About Us

Dean and Cauvin Young People’s Trust exists to be a place of hope for vulnerable and care experienced children, young people and families in Edinburgh and the Lothians. 

Our Services

Our small ‘family’ of interconnected services provide a range of intensive, wraparound support, including:

  • Two residential houses within Edinburgh, one for those aged 15-21 and one for young parents.

  • Community-based support for young people and care leavers to sustain tenancies, develop independent living skills, access skills and training support and develop social networks.

  • Family and parenting support for young people, young parents and children.

  • Supported tenancies via our ‘support flats’.

  • A range of ways for those with experiences of care to be included and involved in our work.

Each of our services are shaped by the needs and voices of the young people and families we support, and current local and national policy priorities.

Established In History

The roots of our work go back generations. The Trust is Scotland’s oldest charity, formed in 1733.

Local merchants, concerned by the increasing number of orphaned children on the streets of the capital, worked together to help and provide them with somewhere to live. While the world has changed, the needs of children and young people remain the same – to have a safe, nurturing place for them to live, grow and develop.

Today our focus and ambition is to provide high-quality, enduring and responsive services underpinned by our core values: 


We are nurturing, curious, caring and offer children and young people a safe place to feel loved, supported and valued. 


We are unconditional in our acceptance and understanding of children and young people. 


We are consistent, persistent and strive for the very best for children and young people.  


We are positive, we build on the strengths of all children and young people and know that change is possible.